
Electrical Reactors and Their Application & Location in the High-Voltage Power Systems

  • 23 Jan, 2019

I have been working in power stations for a couple of decades. I have recently started writing anything about power stations and I decided to discuss different types of reactors in this blog along with their applications, and their location in high voltage power stations.

Generator Reactors:

At the point when a reactor is connected between a bus bar and generator, it is known as a generator reactor. This reactor can further be connected with the generator in a series manner. When another generator is connected with an old generator, a reactor is added with the old generator in series to give security. This reactor’s value relies upon the impedance of that generator. Its pu value ought to be 0.05 or 0.06.

Feeder reactors:

Normally short-circuits happen on feeders hence, feeder reactors are imperative. More importantly, the utilization of good quality power reactors is vital. Without feeder reactors, if a fault occurs on the closest producing station, the bus bar voltage will be decreased to zero and the associated generators will lose their synchronization.

Bus bar reactors:

These reactors are typically connected to bus bars. Bus bar reactors separate the bus bar in little sections. In case the voltage level constant, no current goes through these reactors and each segment goes about as an independent bus bar.

In case a fault occurs on a bus bar section, the reactor keeps the fault from coming to different sections and just the faulty section is affected. Henceforth, a bus bar should be sufficiently big in size to secure the system however it should not aggravate the synchronization of the entire power system. If a reactor drops the voltage between 30 and 50% at full current then it is appropriate. Anyway, the reactance of a solitary bus bar reactor should be within 0.3 and 0.5 pu.

The below-mentioned techniques depict how to diminish the constant voltage drop and power losses in the feeder and generator reactors:

Ring system:

In the ring system, a bus bar is partitioned into various segments and these segments are further connected together with the help of a reactor. All the feeders here are fed by a different generator and amid typical operation, each generator supplies power to its particular load. Due to this, less power is lost in the reactors.

Tie bar system:

In the tie bar system, the generators are generally connected to a specific bus bar through the reactors where feeders are sustained using the generator side of the reactors. This system is extremely productive in the event of bigger power systems. The reactance of the reactors for this situation is half when contrasted with the reactance in the ring system.

There are other types of reactors also, such as shunt reactors, neutral reactors, and a few more.

However, as aforementioned, good quality power reactors are vital to be installed in any power station to acquire the better flow of electrical power along with a minimal loss of current. To get top quality reactors, it is essential to join hands with a reputed and reliable electrical energy equipment manufacturer in your area.